Saturday, September 22, 2018

Making Sure Everything is Right

It has been a busy couple of days without much to show for them.  I guess that is how it is sometime.  We thought we were going to get a sunny day to spend at the beach on Thursday – it’s getting a little cool temperature wise but the beach is always a beautiful place, and the salt air!!!  However, by the time I finished my run and the morning ‘routine’ the day again turned overcast.  Since we were running low on fruit we were going to make a trip to Flying Orchard in Acushnet but while on the way there we decided to search for something more local.  We seemed to remember the general area for an orchid and made the turn.  Just down the road we see a sign for vegetables and Paradise Hill Farm so we head there just to see what they offer.  As I pull into the parking lot it immediately appears to be a vegetable farm so we start the U-turn to head out when I notice an apples sign – time to park.  We head into the store as the rain starts and a nice young lady greets us as she is heading towards the store from a nearby Quonset hut. Turns out we hit the jack pot!  They not only had apples – and the crunchy kind Lori loves – but peaches and pears.  After loading up on fruit we head to the veggies.  We grab some lettuce, carrots, and tomatoes to supplement the salad we have left and a few ears of corn. 
Both of us have had update alerts on our phones.  With iphone to be backed up you must be connected to a network, be connected to a power source and have your screen locked. Camping sometimes leaves you without a network connection and unable for the phone to backup.  Since we were already out and it was raining, Lori suggested we hit a Dunkin Donuts and get the phones backed up.  That is why she is the smart one on this team!.  I had brought the laptop along anyway so I got to post yesterday’s blog while enjoying a nice coffee and a listening to a bunch of foul-mouth high schoolers – not to mention the staff that was not happy about seeing the daily rush!  Hey, isn’t this what gets you paid?
Friday was one of the days I hate.  It was a day when I spend most of my time behind the wheel.  When we tow I typically like to limit my day to 250 miles, maybe 300 if traffic and the roads are good.  My goal is to find a place to stay, set up, and have supper at a reasonable hour.  Usually a day on the road means supper dining out but it is worth it since we don’t have to drag everything out immediately on arrival.  Fortunately today is not a tow day – its doctor’s appointments for both Lori and I.
Since our doctors are in Norwich, CT., our old home town (86 miles from our present location), we make plans to see friends and family while we are there which means even more driving.
Once in Norwich I stop at my credit union to cash the last check from my former employer.  The employer draws their checks on Bank of America, which is nationwide, but; BoA wants a 10% cut, er...fee... to cash the check – wait its drawn on this bank?  These guys are criminals!
Next we visit my daughter.  She now owns my former residence (and I still don’t have a “#1 dad” cup for giving it to her) and some of the junk mail people haven’t caught up with my move so, along with a nice visit, we also rid her of that stuff she is holding on to.
We were scheduled to meet some friends for lunch but we had some time so it was off to one of Lori’s doctors to straighten out some prescriptions and make sure they got into Express-Scripts OK.  The doctor was pretty busy and we ended up leaving to meet friends.
Lunch was planned for the Chick-fil-A in Mohegan Sun.  I love the grilled chicken at Chick-fil-A.  I find it not as good as it is down south but it is still really good here!  I had to eat quickly to get to my doctor’s appointment but made it.  Even after just eating my weight is down so this full-time lifestyle is really working!
I have a new doctor now as my previous primary care closed his practice to relocate to another state.  I really like the new doctor but some things are a little awkward, especially the things she needs to have the cute nurse there for as a chaperone – but hey, I’m a 2st century guy!
When I headed to the appointment I left Lori at Mohegan Sun with our friends.  No use dragging her to sit in a doctor’s office and wait?  After my appointment I call Lori and we agree were I will pick her up and then we head back to her doctor.  It took hardly any time for her doctor get all the prescription stuff straightened out.  Lori need one maintenance prescription that would hold her over until Express Scripts catches up with us.  Since she could not send it to Massachusetts we had her send it to the Walgreens right across the street from her office, how long could it take?  Let m tell you – we were there over an hour.  The place was chaos.  Mostly because until yesterday it was Rite Aid and today it’s Walgreens – all new computer systems and programs that nobody was familiar with. 
Well, back to the CG to start thinking about packing and heading down the road in a week.  Things should get exciting then!

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